The most expensive part of your track loader is its undercarriage. It is often around 1/5th of the total sticker price and about half of all your maintenance costs. There’s no way to prevent all wear and tear to this hard-working machine, but there are some track loader maintenance steps you can take to avoid spending too much on repairs.

As your leading provider of track loader service and repair in Kansas, we at PrairieLand Partners want to help all our patrons keep their machines going for as long as possible. Read through our track loader undercarriage care steps below and if you need professional help, get in touch with our service department ASAP!

Be Intentional with Turns

Try not to take any sharp turns or sudden changes in direction. You might think it’ll be more efficient to move your track loader quickly, but sometimes those quick movements can lead to material buildup in the undercarriage. This will, of course, increase the amount of wear and tear the undercarriage components go through. A better approach is to do three-point turns that are wider. It'll take more time, but it will also extend the life of the parts.

Adapt to the Work Area

The usage rules can change for different worksites as there will be different types of obstacles and challenges for each site. Do your best to stay aware of your surroundings whenever you’re operating your machine. A compact track loader will be more suitable for projects in a tight place as they need less space to maneuver. 

Transitions are places where you have a quick change in elevation or slope. When you drive your track loader over these, it can cause the tracks to not be fully supported on the ground. This can result in side stress that leads to track derailment or damage to the undercarriage. Try to avoid transitions as much as possible. If you must encounter a slope, go up and down it rather than across.

Also pay attention to improved surfaces. These are paths made out of materials like asphalt or concrete and they can be challenging for your track loader. You can try placing some dirt or sand on the surface so that it becomes easier for you to make your compact track loader turn. When you finish the job, you can simply clean up the materials.

Consult Your Owner's Manual

While there’ll be a lot of similarities in track loaders across different makes and models, it is the differences you have to be aware of. Give your owner's manual a quick read to see if the manufacturer offers any maintenance recommendations. What works for one track loader may not work for another, so it's helpful to consult the suggestions from those who built your model.

Inspect Your Track Loader

If you want to increase the lifespan of the undercarriage, you have to perform regular inspections. Catching issues early on helps prevent them from spiraling into more serious, and more expensive to fix, problems. If you work in muddy or abrasive conditions, you will want to do inspections more often. Look for problems such as cuts, punctures or tears in the tracks.

Also regularly check the track tension. If it is too tight, the machine will need more power to function and it’ll cause more wear due to the increased friction. If it’s too loose, the tracks can fall off. If you’re not too confident about how tight the tracks should be, you can get in touch with the expert technicians at PrairieLand Partners to help you out!

Keep Your Track Loader Clean

A dirty compact track loader isn’t just a superficial eyesore. Caked-on grime can make it much harder for you to spot any brewing issues. If any debris gets caught in the components of your machine, it can cause plenty of damage. Keep your loader clean and try to wash it after each use. This will clean away any abrasive materials, such as gravel and mud. When you finish the rinse, lubricate the moving parts to keep them running well.

Hopefully, these tips will help you keep your machine going for years to come! Sometimes, though, you’re going to want to turn to professionals. If you’re looking for compact track loader repair and service in Kansas, contact PrairieLand Partners and one of our friendly staff will guide you further! We’re proud to be the leading compact track loader dealer in Kansas!